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Writing: Science & Health

"With remarkable speed and efficiency, Alice can research a topic, digest the material, and present it in a beautifully written manner. We were under enormous deadline pressure to complete our book, and Alice met every tight schedule promptly." --Dr. Marsha L. Gordon, Mount Sinai Medical Center (my coauthor on The Complete Idiot's Guide to Beautiful Skin)

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Beautiful Skin with Dr. Marsha L. Gordon (Macmillan) Demystifies skin health with practical advice and the latest research.

Don't Snore Anymore with Dr. Jeffrey Hausfeld (Crown Publishing Group) Helps snorers (and their families) understand why they snore and how to stop.

The Physician's Guide to Treating Hypertension and Other Cardiovascular Conditions with Dr. Alan Pressman and Dr. Herbert Goodman (Berkley Books) The best of traditional and alternative medicine to promote cardiovascular health.

As We Age: The Total Guide to Health and Wellness with Dr. John Morley et al. (Reader's Digest Books) Comprehensive guide to nutrition, fitness, health conditions, symptoms, and treatments. Says Publishers Weekly: "This volume invites browsing."